Saturday, September 16, 2006

Reliving 9-11

In another blog we have been discussing the war on terror and whether 0r not it is important to be reminded of the villany of our enemy in the war on terror. One individual mentioned he had already seen the 9-11 video and has heard the screams of Nick Berg and didnt need to be reminded of them to know how horrible it was.

I guess I dont really disagree. One time seeing a death occur up close and in person should do it for anyone to know how ugly it is.

However, I DO think we as a country need to be reminded of our enemy in the war on terror. We talk about the "war in Iraq" as if it is a war WITH Iraq. That war ended in 2003. We are today at war with terrorists who happen to be pouring in from all around the middle east to engage in terrorist activity.

I often use the subtraction model when I am doing research on theory. In situation X, take away element y from the equation and see what remains. Now take away element z and see what remains. Its usually pretty easy to identify your culprit.

In the most recent middle east conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, take away Israel and what remains? You still have groups of people dedicated to murdering others to further their own cause. Now, take away the muslim terror groups that are perpetrating acts of violence and what do you have? Peace.

Same theory applies in Iraq. Take away the US soldiers and what are you left with? Violent murderous thugs trying to prevent a people from forming a democracy. Now, take away the terrorists (sorry...they just cant be called insurgents) and what do you have? You have an Iraq that has a real shot at peace and democracy.

The common denominator? Its the same one in Blai, Spain, the Phillipines, Pakistan, England, and now most recently France. Extremist Islamic terrorists.

A friend of mine made a comment this week that I thought was telling. This individual is a good man who has known more than his share of pain and hurt. He knows what it feels like to have to bury a child. He said on monday that he was just sickened by this national day of 9-11...what on earth is it going to do for us? Then, on Tuesday he came in to work and said he had forgotten just how evil these terrorists are and how they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals. How anyone can be their victim. He still doesnt like the war on terror and in fact had begun to think that it was time just to stop because it felt to him like we werent accomplishing anything. After taking the time and watching these different accounts, he changed his mind. More than ever he understands why this isnt a fight we can POSSIBLY stop fighting because it is a fight we cant afford NOT to win.

Thats why I think it is absolutely necessary to remind ourselves occasionally JUST how evil these people are. I dont WANT to have fight them in downtown anywhere USA. I'd just as soon take them on where they are.

Make no mistake. We have extremist terrorists right here in the US today. Our government has stopped terror plots in Florida, California, Minnesota and many other places. They have detected terrorist cells in Miami, Buffalo, and Oregon. But they ARE still here. Maybe we are a victim of our own success in this war on terror. Maybe preventing so many attacks has led to complacency. I hope not.


Blogger Kristi Meyers Curtis said...


As you have suggested, I fear President Bush may be a victim of his own success. What is so troubling to me is that the left has adopted a position that requires defeat of America to move their own cause forward. I hope voting Americans are informed enough to see thru that hipocracy.

6:14 PM  
Blogger MindMechanic said...


I wish people could see beyond the hatred and the rhetoric, and well...yes, beyond the tendency to struggle over three syllable words. The contrast in character and integrity is glaringly obvious between Bush and Clinton.

I do think we have a tendency to get a little sleepy when things are going well. I hope it doesnt bite us. I am afraid it will.

I just wish the lefts vacuum on positions could become a central item for discussion. I have yet to meet a democrat that voted for Kerry and says they really like what he stood for that can then tell me WHAT he stood for beyond hating George Bush.

I also wish the next presidential candidate from the right OR the left would stand in front of the cameras and say that "my solution to solving AIDS, education, social security, the war on terror, energy independence, etc, is to ENGAGE CONGRESS and get them to do their JOBS." I dont care what his party is, THAT guy, I'm voting for...

5:54 PM  
Blogger Kristi Meyers Curtis said...


Several years ago I lived in Vernal. Bill Orton was the congressman for that district at the time.

Mr. Orton came to Vernal for a town meeting. He spoke, then allowed time for questions and answers. As the questions flowed from the audience, he become frustrated because the qestions weren't what he wanted to address. He stopped the questions and he commented to the audience that he was there "to educate" them.

Though we differed on many issues, up to that point I respected Bill Orton. Unfortunately, there are many on both sides of the isle (Republican and Democrat) who adopt Orton's attitude as soon as they get to Washington. They simply think they know better.

Like you, I look forward to the candidate that will put forth an idea, and then as an elected official actually implement it.

10:16 PM  

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