Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lessons Learned

"Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!" Vissini

And the third rule is never trust France to be anything...ANYTHING...other than what history has proven them to be.

It was just 2 short years ago that France made this bold declaration-"Irans nuclear program will not be allowed to stand"Today, French President Chiraq is not only completely against military manuevers against Iran, but now he is opposed to sanctions againts Iran. With friends like these...who needs enema's?

France couldnt wave the white flag fast enough in World War 2. In Indochina they expected the UN to protect what they loudly declared as their 'right' to holdings there, then subsequently sent over 55 thousand troops to their death 2-5 thousand at a time. Just recently France sold its integrity to Saddam in the oil for food program and now, France has decided that islamic extremist leaders that are clamoring today for the death of the pope and attacks on Italy and the US for the popes comments, the same islamic extremist leaders that have called for the extermination of Israel, that we should negotiate and trust them and not call even for sanctions.

I wonder if last weeks announcement by Al Qaida that it was joining Algerian terrorist groups against France had any bearing on their sudden change of course.No wonder Bush's poll numbers are improving.

Oh...BYTEHWAY...France is Kerry's big 'ally' in the war on terror. Nice one.


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