Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What Makes Kings?

George Washington was offered the throne of America following the military victory that won the US its freedom and independence (a stark lesson for those that say war never solves anything). He refused, stating that of course this is the very thing we had battled against, and the country instead opted for a democracy. You the people. We elected representation and then put in place this awesome concept of checks and balances. The Legislative Branch makes the rules and laws. The Executive Branch signs the laws into power. The Judicial Branch determines if those laws are just within the boundaries established by the constution. A wonderful system.

Somewhere along the way, things have gone horribly wrong.

Congress has abrogated their duties and resposnibilities to the president, in effect, assigning him ( or someday her) the role of king...or at least king for 4 years.

How often do you hear the phrase "the presidents plan..."? Social Security, education, foreign policy, the war on terror...everyone turns to the president for the solution. When did this happen? Why? And for how long will we let this stand?

I think every two years we have the opportunity to send a message to congress. I think that message should be "do your damn job! Just what are we paying you for again???"


Blogger Cameron said...

Some would say that's an argument for term limits...

3:38 PM  
Blogger MindMechanic said...


OK...provided it was a universal agreement on term limits. But I dont want a parade of incompetents only getting by til their terms are up. I want repsonsible representatives, and I will support them for as long as they are breathing.


Others would say we HAVE term limits...2, 4, and 6 years and all the people have to do is vote responsibly.

So I guess its not JUST the politicians at fault.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Cameron said...

I'm actually not sure how I feel about term limits. I've heard arguments for both sides, and frankly they sound compelling. Career politicians are basically kinda scary, but career staffers and lobbyists might be even more so. If the congressman were only short timers, it stands to reason that the behind the scenes folks would only increase their power and influence.

7:41 PM  

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