Look...just ignore all those inconvenient facts...
hang on...this is a long one...and may come across as a bit of a rant.
Parental advisory...this posting contains adult topics and may be unsuitable for children. Of course...I'll be talking about Bill Clinton.
I dont know if its disugust or wondered amazement. There is the word chutzpah...but I think this goes beyond even that. It is almost as if many of the current politicians have just simply ignored the fact that we have documents, records, transcripts, video,...all manner of historical documentation that PROVES their words to be lies. Yet they look right in the camera and just say it...and dont bat an eyelash.
Bill Clintons words mean nothing...except to those that worship him as the God of the Liberal movement. Bill Clinton has been caught in countless lies. OBVIOUS lies. Yet, as the God of Liberals, whatever he says, wherever he goes, they just gaze at him with their adoring glassed over stares and nod in agreement.
Cheats on his wife countless times? No...he respects and appreciates and stands for the rights of ALL women. And besides...remember that wonderfully spontaneous moment on the beach just Bill and Hilly (and a photographer, cameraman, and choreographer) dancing together? Sigh. It spawned the Al Gore Pinocchio (wooden) kiss during the dem convention just a few years later.
Rape of Juanita Broderick? She probably wanted it, and besides, she's just another tramp and no one really believes her anyway.
Groping Kathleen Wiley pinning her in a doorway and squeezing her breasts on the DAY OF HER HUSBANDS FUNERAL? Just a misunderstanding...he was comforting her. Aimed for her shoulders...missed...honest mistake...standing in front and not behind. Just a logistics problem really.
52 year old man, president of the United States, abuses a 20 year old staff member, expecting and recieving sexual acts while (apparently according to both of them) never reciprocating, THEN carries out a public campaign to paint HER as the villain and to destroy HER personally? Well...hogwash...its only sex, he just wanted to give her something to remember him by, and besides, it s all part of a right wing conspiracy smear campaign.
The very case that started all the sex scandal...Paula Jones. Ms Jones is painted as a tramp. Hystery remberers little about Paula Jones. Seriously...ask yourself...after all the scandal...what was the case all about?
Bill Clinton had a state trooper ask a campaign staffer to meet with him in his room. She knocks, he beckons, she opens the door. She finds Bill sitting on the couch with his pants around his ankles a towel drapped over his gentials. He is fondling himself. He stands and offers her the opportunity of a lifetime. His words. Kiss it. She politely refuses his magnaminous offer and leaves. She feels she has been harassed and she files a lawsuit.
Was she harassed? Democrats and womens orgs like the NAtional Organization for Women DEMANDED the ouster of Senator Bob Packwood for getting drunk and squeezing the tushies of his secretaries. And that was bad. Seriously. I mean...not Ted Kennedy bad, but still...that was bad. And he left. The republican senators really didnt give him all that many options. So he left. Ted is still there...but Senator Packwood is a senotor no more. And NOW won.
Where was NOW when Clinton exposed himself to Paula Jones? Well...you cant REALLY expect them to turn on their champion and protector of abortion rights can you? So of course...it had to be Paula Jones at fault.
THAT is what started this affair...not some vast right wing conspiracy. Not lying about sex. Slick exposed Willie and got sued for it. Now...how many people do the same thing and end up in jail and on sex offender registries?
My favorite...he looks in the camera and with almost a twinkle in his eye that says look at me i'm SOOOO much smarter than you...and then speaks the words "It all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is".
Wow. Wow. (pause for the effect...interpret that as shocked amazement and almost reverence.) Wow.
So many other whoppers. I led the movement to reform welfare. Well...no...you had welfare rammed down your throat. You fought it every step of the way vowing to "fix it" later.
I passed a balanced budget amendment. No...once again...republican congress rammed it down your throat. You fought it every step of the way.
Great economy. Well...no. dot com economy that went bust as fast as it went boom.
Treated world leaders with respect. Ummm...if respect means leaving them waiting in the rose garden while you attended to more ummm pressing concerns with your intern...
Whitewater. Law firm billing scandals. Boxes of subpoenad documents vanish, then mysteriously resurface in places that where checked countless times. Craig Lingstone, a former bouncer, hired by someone but no one knows who, given an office in the white house, never undergoes a security clearance check, and then ends up with 800 classified FBI files on his desk. Smearing government employees and firing them so Hilly can replace them all with her staff in the travel office. The hits go on and on and on...
More recent liberal examples of chutzpah...
Sandy Berger gets caught with his pants down...literally stuffing top secret classified documents into his shorts and socks...then expects us to give some sort of credence to his words. And of course...as the Gods minion, he is believed.
Just last year when the Abramoff scandal broke (scandal...like its a shocking revelation that lobbyists bribe congressmen...) a list was published that showed campaign and other contributions from Abramoff to every congressman. On that list was democrats and republicans alike. It was printed not from anyones memory but from the congress's own records of disclosures. Yet...Howard Dean stood on the Sunday morning news programs and stated LOUDLy...NO democrat ever took so much as a DIME from Jack Abramoff.
Maybe it was classic Clintonspeak.
No...not a dime. $870,000.00, but not a single dime.
Chutzpah...whats a good word for a really really really really LOT of chutzpah?
During Clintons most honest and honorable and obviously NOT preplanned (oh...ooops...sorry...my wife tells me I shouldnt use sarcasm because it doesnt translate well)
Clinton states he WANTED to get Bin Laden but his intel agencies wouldnt let him. He WANTED to order his death but others in his chain stopped him. He WOULD HAVE done more but others prevented him.
Of course the FACTS and historical record proves that he is once again lying (how can you tell when Bill is lying? you dont HAVE to tell...you can pretty much just assume that any and everything he says is a lie)
BUT...IF what he says is true and he REALLY saw Bin LAden as THE threat in the middle east and he REALLY WANTED to take him out, and he REALLY DID have the opportunites to take him out...then as a LEADER wouldnt he have done so?
Now...for the record...
There are a lot of things about George Bush I DO NOT LIKE. However, he has restored character to the office of president. He has restored the oval office to more than just a presidential rompous room and a pretty cool place to meet chicks. He doesnt make decisions based on political expediency. He doesnt allow polls or popularity to sway his convictions. He has remained above the fray when it comes to personality conflicts (almost to a fault).
Unlike Bill and Hilly, George and Laura dont schedule press conferences (or softball appearances on network talk shows) so that they can look in the camera and condemn their accusers, especially when it is proven that their accusers are telling the truth. They hold themselves with an air of dignity and decorum that the Clintons could never even understand, let alone pull off. I DO wish that President Bush was more of a real fiscal conservative. I DO wish that he did a better job of explaining the direction (and success and failings) of his policies. I DO wish he stuck with a speaking style he is comfortable with.
Bill Clinton was a "rock star"...George Bush, like him or not, is a leader.
Sorry for the rant...thanks for listening.
Parental advisory...this posting contains adult topics and may be unsuitable for children. Of course...I'll be talking about Bill Clinton.
I dont know if its disugust or wondered amazement. There is the word chutzpah...but I think this goes beyond even that. It is almost as if many of the current politicians have just simply ignored the fact that we have documents, records, transcripts, video,...all manner of historical documentation that PROVES their words to be lies. Yet they look right in the camera and just say it...and dont bat an eyelash.
Bill Clintons words mean nothing...except to those that worship him as the God of the Liberal movement. Bill Clinton has been caught in countless lies. OBVIOUS lies. Yet, as the God of Liberals, whatever he says, wherever he goes, they just gaze at him with their adoring glassed over stares and nod in agreement.
Cheats on his wife countless times? No...he respects and appreciates and stands for the rights of ALL women. And besides...remember that wonderfully spontaneous moment on the beach just Bill and Hilly (and a photographer, cameraman, and choreographer) dancing together? Sigh. It spawned the Al Gore Pinocchio (wooden) kiss during the dem convention just a few years later.
Rape of Juanita Broderick? She probably wanted it, and besides, she's just another tramp and no one really believes her anyway.
Groping Kathleen Wiley pinning her in a doorway and squeezing her breasts on the DAY OF HER HUSBANDS FUNERAL? Just a misunderstanding...he was comforting her. Aimed for her shoulders...missed...honest mistake...standing in front and not behind. Just a logistics problem really.
52 year old man, president of the United States, abuses a 20 year old staff member, expecting and recieving sexual acts while (apparently according to both of them) never reciprocating, THEN carries out a public campaign to paint HER as the villain and to destroy HER personally? Well...hogwash...its only sex, he just wanted to give her something to remember him by, and besides, it s all part of a right wing conspiracy smear campaign.
The very case that started all the sex scandal...Paula Jones. Ms Jones is painted as a tramp. Hystery remberers little about Paula Jones. Seriously...ask yourself...after all the scandal...what was the case all about?
Bill Clinton had a state trooper ask a campaign staffer to meet with him in his room. She knocks, he beckons, she opens the door. She finds Bill sitting on the couch with his pants around his ankles a towel drapped over his gentials. He is fondling himself. He stands and offers her the opportunity of a lifetime. His words. Kiss it. She politely refuses his magnaminous offer and leaves. She feels she has been harassed and she files a lawsuit.
Was she harassed? Democrats and womens orgs like the NAtional Organization for Women DEMANDED the ouster of Senator Bob Packwood for getting drunk and squeezing the tushies of his secretaries. And that was bad. Seriously. I mean...not Ted Kennedy bad, but still...that was bad. And he left. The republican senators really didnt give him all that many options. So he left. Ted is still there...but Senator Packwood is a senotor no more. And NOW won.
Where was NOW when Clinton exposed himself to Paula Jones? Well...you cant REALLY expect them to turn on their champion and protector of abortion rights can you? So of course...it had to be Paula Jones at fault.
THAT is what started this affair...not some vast right wing conspiracy. Not lying about sex. Slick exposed Willie and got sued for it. Now...how many people do the same thing and end up in jail and on sex offender registries?
My favorite...he looks in the camera and with almost a twinkle in his eye that says look at me i'm SOOOO much smarter than you...and then speaks the words "It all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is".
Wow. Wow. (pause for the effect...interpret that as shocked amazement and almost reverence.) Wow.
So many other whoppers. I led the movement to reform welfare. Well...no...you had welfare rammed down your throat. You fought it every step of the way vowing to "fix it" later.
I passed a balanced budget amendment. No...once again...republican congress rammed it down your throat. You fought it every step of the way.
Great economy. Well...no. dot com economy that went bust as fast as it went boom.
Treated world leaders with respect. Ummm...if respect means leaving them waiting in the rose garden while you attended to more ummm pressing concerns with your intern...
Whitewater. Law firm billing scandals. Boxes of subpoenad documents vanish, then mysteriously resurface in places that where checked countless times. Craig Lingstone, a former bouncer, hired by someone but no one knows who, given an office in the white house, never undergoes a security clearance check, and then ends up with 800 classified FBI files on his desk. Smearing government employees and firing them so Hilly can replace them all with her staff in the travel office. The hits go on and on and on...
More recent liberal examples of chutzpah...
Sandy Berger gets caught with his pants down...literally stuffing top secret classified documents into his shorts and socks...then expects us to give some sort of credence to his words. And of course...as the Gods minion, he is believed.
Just last year when the Abramoff scandal broke (scandal...like its a shocking revelation that lobbyists bribe congressmen...) a list was published that showed campaign and other contributions from Abramoff to every congressman. On that list was democrats and republicans alike. It was printed not from anyones memory but from the congress's own records of disclosures. Yet...Howard Dean stood on the Sunday morning news programs and stated LOUDLy...NO democrat ever took so much as a DIME from Jack Abramoff.
Maybe it was classic Clintonspeak.
No...not a dime. $870,000.00, but not a single dime.
Chutzpah...whats a good word for a really really really really LOT of chutzpah?
During Clintons most honest and honorable and obviously NOT preplanned (oh...ooops...sorry...my wife tells me I shouldnt use sarcasm because it doesnt translate well)
Clinton states he WANTED to get Bin Laden but his intel agencies wouldnt let him. He WANTED to order his death but others in his chain stopped him. He WOULD HAVE done more but others prevented him.
Of course the FACTS and historical record proves that he is once again lying (how can you tell when Bill is lying? you dont HAVE to tell...you can pretty much just assume that any and everything he says is a lie)
BUT...IF what he says is true and he REALLY saw Bin LAden as THE threat in the middle east and he REALLY WANTED to take him out, and he REALLY DID have the opportunites to take him out...then as a LEADER wouldnt he have done so?
Now...for the record...
There are a lot of things about George Bush I DO NOT LIKE. However, he has restored character to the office of president. He has restored the oval office to more than just a presidential rompous room and a pretty cool place to meet chicks. He doesnt make decisions based on political expediency. He doesnt allow polls or popularity to sway his convictions. He has remained above the fray when it comes to personality conflicts (almost to a fault).
Unlike Bill and Hilly, George and Laura dont schedule press conferences (or softball appearances on network talk shows) so that they can look in the camera and condemn their accusers, especially when it is proven that their accusers are telling the truth. They hold themselves with an air of dignity and decorum that the Clintons could never even understand, let alone pull off. I DO wish that President Bush was more of a real fiscal conservative. I DO wish that he did a better job of explaining the direction (and success and failings) of his policies. I DO wish he stuck with a speaking style he is comfortable with.
Bill Clinton was a "rock star"...George Bush, like him or not, is a leader.
Sorry for the rant...thanks for listening.
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