Is anyone buying the whole man-made global warming argument?
There is an old saying that holds true today…if you want to know what is really going on…follow the money. OK…so…follow the money.
Who stands to gain financially? In defense of status quo, it is the oil companies that benefit so of course they will promote studies that will deny the human impact on global warming. The left on the other hand benefits in a myriad of ways. More taxes (don’t you know the left LOVES to raise taxes). Increased taxes on rich oil industrialists (ummm…don’t you mean increased taxes on consumers because REALLY that is who will end up paying? Oh and believe me…they WILL pay…just look at the tobacco lawsuits…). More money for scientific studies, more money for the UN, more money to the rest of the world being sent by Uncle Sam. Mo’ money, mo’ money, mo money’…
And GUILT. Oh BABY there is a HUGE market for guilt. If the left succeeds in making capitalists feel guilty about success, why they can EASILY tap that to increase social gains as well.
So…what do we learn? Well…following the money says BOTH sides are lying. Is that really a shock?
Who is the “Dr Evil” of the global warming craze? Why Al Gore of course. And what is Al’s position? No debate…we have scientific consensus. Anyone that disagrees is a heretic. The media has been TOO un-biased in reporting the global warming situation and mans responsibility. Heck Al…if you can’t get the liberal left media to buy off on your lunacy…doesn’t that stand as a pretty good indicator that there ISN’T consensus?
And lets talk hypocrisy. Lets talk Carbon Credits.
Just a refresher on the Kyoto Accord BTW…
Clinton/Gore did not elad the country to the Kyoto Accord. The global commission began in 1992 under George Bush.
Clinton/Gore never once submitted the Kyoto Accord to congress for ratification. Why?
Because Democrat Senator Robert Byrd introduced legislation before the Kyoto Accord was passed that insured the Kyoto Accord COULD NOT be passed. And that legislation DID pass…unanimously.
Following the Kyoto Accord the geniuses of the global warming movement dreamed up the CCE…Carbon Credit Exchange. Here is how it works. If you sign off on the Kyoto Accord you agree to limit your emissions. Unless of course it costs too much to limit them. If you cant or don’t want to limit them…don’t be ashamed or embarrassed. BUY credits from non-industrialized countries that don’t produce as much pollutants. OK…so you aren’t reducing your emissions…you still just managed to make your country in compliance and Carbon Neutral!
Hmmm…where have I heard that term before.
Oh yeah…back to Al Gore. Recently it was revealed that Al Gore uses more electricity in one month than any typical home uses in a year. And that INCLUDES times when he isn’t even home! Plus all the travel to and fro in his private jets (using more fuel and creating more emissions than a thousand SUVs)...
So…How does Al soothe his conscience? Same way…he buys himself into carbon neutrality. He invests in eco friendly power production. He buys credits. He pays for it. Does that mean he ISNT exposing the world to the same number of pollutants? No…but hey…he is a CELEBRITY and there is ALWAYS a double standard for celebrities.
What DO we know?
We know there IS a possible consensus that the earth MAY be going through a warming trend that MAY or MAY NOT be influenced by humans.
We know the planet goes through cycles of warming and cooling and has theoretically for hundreds of thousands of years and the industrialized cavemen likely didn’t have much of an impact on it them.
We know that Mars is currently going through a warming trend that mirrors ours suggesting that MAYBE those scientists that believe it is not about humans but is about the suns increased solar output.
Undoubtedly we ARE going through a string of weird weather. But there IS no consensus on why and passing into law a UN agreement that defines India and China as developing countries and thus requires the US to pay for theirs and all others emission controls, all the while cutting our economic production 40%...well…that just doesn’t seem to make much sense.