Thursday, October 26, 2006

Things to Consider this Election Year

Reprinted from an article by Pat Brennan...NOT my writing. Citing source.

Top 10 reasons to NOT vote for democrats in November 2006...

"Reason #1. The economy is kicking butt. It is robust, vibrant, strong and growing. In the 36 months since the Bush tax cuts ended the recession that began under President Clinton, the economy has experienced astonishing growth. Over the first half of this year, our economy grew at a strong 4.1 percent annual rate, faster than any other major industrialized nation. This strong economic activity has generated historic revenue growth that has shrunk the deficit. A continued commitment to spending restraint has also contributed to deficit reduction.

Reason #2. Unemployment is almost nil for a major economy, and is verging on full employment. Recently, jobless claims fellto the lowest level in 10 weeks. Employment increased in 48 states over the past 12 months ending in August. Our economy has now added jobs for 37 straight months.

Reason #3. The Dow is hitting record highs. In the past few days, the Dow climbed above 12,000 for the first time in the history of the stock market, thus increasing the value of countless pension and 401(k) that funds many Americans rely on for their retirement years.

Reason #4. Wages have risen dramatically. According to the Washington Post, demand for labor helped drive workers' average hourly wages, not including those of most managers, up to $16.84 last month -- a 4 percent increase from September 2005, the fastest wage growth in more than five years. Nominal wage growth has been 4.1 percent so far this year. This is better or comparable to its 1990s peaks. Over the first half of 2006, employee compensation per hour grew at a 6.3 percent annual rate adjusted for inflation. Real after-tax income has risen a whopping 15 percent since January 2001. Real after-tax income per person has risen by 9 percent since January 2001.

Reason #5. Gas prices have plunged. According to the Associated Press, the price of gasoline has fallen to its lowest level in more than 10 months. The federal Energy Information Administration said Monday that U.S. motorists paid $2.21 a gallon on average for regular grade last week, a decrease of 1.8 cents from the previous week. Pump prices are now 40 cents lower than a year ago and have plummeted by more than 80 cents a gallon since the start of August. The previous 2006 low for gasoline was set in the first week of January, when pump prices averaged $2.238. In the week ending Dec. 5, 2005, prices averaged $2.19. Today, gasoline can be found for less than $2 a gallon in many parts of the country.

Reason #6. Since 9/11, no terrorist attacks have occurred on U.S. soil. Since 9/11 the U.S. has not been attacked by terrorists thanks to such programs as the administration's monitoring of communications between al-Qaida operatives overseas and their agents in the U.S. and the monitoring of the international movement of terrorist funds -- both measure bitterly opposed by Democrats.

Reason #7. Productivity is surging and has grown by a strong 2.5 percent over the past four quarters, well ahead of the average productivity growth in the last 30 years. Strong productivity growth helps lead to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product, higher real wages, and stronger corporate profits.

Reason #8. The Prescription Drug Program is working. Despite dire predictions that most seniors would refrain from signing up to the new Medicare prescription benefits program, fully 75 percent of all those on Medicare have enrolled, and the overwhelming majority say they are happy with the program.

Reason #9. Bush has kept his promise of naming conservative judges. He has named two conservative justices to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. In addition, he has named conservative justices who are devoted to the Constitution as it is written and not as activist liberal judges think it means. The strong likelihood that one or more justices will retire from the Supreme Court makes it mandatory for the Republicans to hold the Senate and have a chance to name new conservative justices.

Reason #10. The deficit has been cut in half three years ahead of the president's 2009 goal, with the 2006 fiscal year budget deficit down to $248 billion. The tax cuts have stimulated the economy and are working."

Id add a few more...

minority business opportunites are booming...highest ever.

Minority incomes are higher today than ever before.

More minorities have improved their financial status under the Bush admin than any time in history.

More minority students have applied for and recieved education opportunities today than any time in history.

More compassionate service and aid has been distributed by the Bush administration than any time ever in history.

More minority men and women have been appointed to the highest positions of federal office under the Bush administration than any other presidency.

In light of my recent post...where exactly is the anger coming from again?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tide of Anger

With the election coming up in just two weeks you are sure to hear a lot about the anger against Washington, and the backlash against the republicans. It is being touted on every news broadcast (except Fox) and in virtually every print and internet media outlet.

Ever wonder where the backlash is coming from?

Me...I think it is a wag the dog scenario.

Seriously...just what is it that everyone is supposed to be angry about?

Is it the Iraq war? OK. I disagree with how dire things are. I also disagree on our mission direction. I disagree with the role of the military currently in Iraq. Still it is 1 issue.

In Utah the democrats are using a sign for their campaign. Its short...its simple. "Had Enough? Vote Democrat"

Fair question.

Had enough economic growth? Vote democrat.
Had enough stock market growth? Vote democrat.
Had enough inflation controls? Vote democrat.
Had enough lower taxes? Vote democrat.
Had enough retirement income increases? Vote democrat.
Had enough increases in school funding? Vote democrat.
Had enough improvement in minority employment and business growth? Vote democrat.
Had enough increase in funding of the fight against AIDS in Africa? Vote democrat.
Had enough of a real effort combating terrorists? Vote democrat.
Had enough of a president that doesnt have sexual relations with every woman in Washington DC EXCEPT his wife? Vote democrat.
had enough of a leader that doesnt take his political direction based on polling? Vote democrat.

Just who is it exactly that is ginning up the anger against republicans? I vote 'democrats.'

Verbal Fox Paws

I am re-posting comments from a different blog in regards to the recent statements by President Bush. I believe he THOUGHT he was helping. I think both of these recent remarks were just plain stupid.

from "The Agora"

Anonymous said...
"WE WILL STAY THE COURSE. We will help this young Iraqi Democracy succeed," Bush said in Salt Lake City in August."We will win in Iraq so long as we STAY THE COURSE Bush said in Milwakee in July."I saw people wondering whether the United States would have the nerve to STAY THE COURSE and help them succeed," Bush said after returning from Baghdad in June.Now Bush is "Cutting and Running from STAY THE COURSE"."Listen, we've NEVER been STAY THE COURSE." He told George Stephanopoulos, last week.How soon before Dan and MM will proclaim AGAINST STAY THE COURSE TOO?-- Now that they fully BELIEVE that George didn't say it, and that's NOT what George MEANT.Let's ALL watch, et al help "spin" the Bush flip flopping faster and faster.
9:20 AM

MindMechanic said...
Anon...Once again, you ASSume too much.

I think Bush made two HUGE blunders in the last two weeks. I think he is trying to help other republicans and thinks that the way to do so is by pronouncing his flexibility. Both times it fell like a safe on his head.

1- He made the 'VietNam' comparison after being fed a question by Stephanopolous. Stupid. IF there is a comparison to VietNam it is in the disaster it became because of the media and because of the restrictions on the military placed by politicians because of politics.

2-He attempts to show his flexibility by refuting the "stay the course" comment. Stupid. His remark should have been clear (and I think you will see this as being familiar) "Stay the course" means victory is the only option. It DOES NOT mean nor has it ever meant that we are locked into a losing strategy. If plan A isnt working we adapt to plan B, plan C and we keep going until we find the strategy that WORKS.QUITTING is not an option.

This IS NOT ABOUT IRAQ. This war that is ongoing is a war against Muslim extremists and their intention is CLEAR. I for the life of me CANNOT understand how people can be so stupid when it comes to our troops in Iraq.

Is ANYONE stupid enough to believe that we are NOT facing an impending world war against extremist Muslims? Ask the French. Study your history. Listen to the muslim leaders today.Wake up! wont hear spin from me and never have, Anon. I'm not like you. You blindly defend liberal leaders. I DO NOT blindly defend anyone. I never have.
10:07 AM

Monday, October 16, 2006

Election Year Polls

Have I mentioned how funny I think polls are? The old saw holds true...polls dont lie, pollsters do.

With the election looming we have already seen many fabricated polls designed to award the election to the left and I have no doubt we will see many more polls, news articles and media stories with the same intent.

Take this recent article by an AP writer for example...

"59 percent of voters believe Democrats would do a better job handling the economy, while 39 percent prefer Republicans." that with this next statement-

"Over the past year, Americans have become less likely to see the economy as the most pressing problem in the United States. Just 9 percent viewed economic matters as the top problem, the AP-Ipsos poll says. That's down considerably from a year ago when 24 percent said the economy was the biggest problem as the country was still reeling from the blows of the Gulf Coast hurricanes."

In just a year only 9% see the economy as the 'top' problem. Thats PROBABLY an indicator that things are going good...right?

"the (economic) expansion, which began in late 2001, is still firmly rooted and isn't in danger of fizzling out."

The expansion of the economy has been steady and growing since 2001...thats less than a year after Bush took over the White House. We have had more sustained growth during this period than at any other time in history. We have recovered from the dotcom boom/bust of the Clinton years. We have sustained 9-11, economic support to Indonesia following the tsunami, billions in aid to Africa, the devastation of Katrina, and an illegal immigration problem that has the US economy supporting 12-20 million jobs with income going to support the economy of Mexico.

And they believe the dems would do it better?

Unemployment sits at 4.6%...a figure every respectable economist calls 0 rate unemployment. Lower than any time during the Clinton administration.

The economy in the first three months of this year grew at a 5.6 percent pace, the strongest spurt in 2 1/2 years.

Consumer prices, meanwhile, rose by just 0.2 percent in August — half the rate of July, suggesting that inflation is calming down.

The federal budget deficit dropped to $247.7 billion for the 2006 fiscal year which ended Sept. 30. It marked the smallest amount of red ink in four years. (in spite of all the extra curricular financial requirments)

"The Dow is up, but people's retirements are less secure than ever. This economy is making the super rich richer, and leaving middle-class American families further behind," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. Hogwash. There are more wealthy middle income wage earners than ever before, opportunity for economic gain is higher today than ever, individual retirement accounts continue to grow stronger each quarter. Those are the facts. Pelosi's words are mere rhetoric.

Dont worry though...we'll continue to hear the sky is falling right up til election night. And sadly...lots of people are going to buy it.

Can you say...higher taxes, increased inflation, and increased unemployment?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

History Repeats Itself Yet Again.

This weekend’s events are the reason I started writing in this blog. North Korea conducted (or at least SAYS they conducted) a nuclear weapons test. Whether or not they were actually successful is still (at this point) is both unknown and immaterial. North Korea is doing EXACTLY what they did in the 90s. They are pulling strings and expecting the puppets to dance.

Throughout the 1990’s Kim Jung Il made numerous threats regarding development of nuclear weapons and world leaders responded EXACTLY like he expected they would. They bribed him. They paid him off in oil and money. They offered technology. And when the money and oil ran out and he wanted MORE he did the EXACT same thing and again the world’s leaders responded EXACTLY as he knew they would. They danced like good puppets.

But (not suprisingly) we found out later that in fact Kim had NOT used the money to feed the poor (which is seen by the literally hundreds of thousands that have died of starvation in North Korea). He did NOT stop weapons research and exploration. He did NOT live by his end of the agreement. He lied.

Around the year 2000 Japan, South Korea, and China all engaged in what was euphamistically described as Sunshine Politics with North Korea. They offered economic support and diplomacy, hoping that Kim would keep his word and be willing to negotiate with them. In reality, all they did is show weakness…weakness which Kim exploited. And now this. Now Kim has allegedly tested a nuclear weapon. South Korea announced an immediate cessation to their dimplomatic relationship with Kim and suspended all of their support. They announced that their policy of Sunshine Diplomacy was a failure. Shocking.

See…here’s what these people continue to REFUSE to see. Diplomacy ONLY works when you have an equal partner in the diplomatic relationship. Witness Saddams Iraq, Iran, Hitlers Germany, and North Korea.

The sunshine diplomacy theory holds that if you just LOVE someone enough they will stop being evil, murderous, despotic, thugs and will become in turn loving and benevolent leaders. Good theory…but it fails in its practical application.

People point to peace as the only solution. They say war never solved anything. Right…except earning freedom, freeing a nation of slavery, ending the execution of millions and stopping the spread of Naziism, war never really accomplished anything.

Many people cite Ghandi as their model for peace. OK…but really? Consider this quote from a letter to Churchill by Ghandi. “I want you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these, but neither your souls nor your minds. If these gentlemen choose to occupy your homes, you will vacate them. If they do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child to be slaughtered, but you will refuse to owe allegiance to them.”

And this would have had what effect exactly on Hitler? Zero. He would have taken the blood of every Englishman as easily as he did the 6 million jews and not thought a thing of it. He wouldn’t have suffered an attack of conscious. And we would all be brushing up on our German.

Back to the present.

George Bush did not tremble and quake when Kim Jung il rattled his nuclear sabre. He didn’t offer to buy his silence. He learned early that Kim was not a man of honor and therefore NOT an equal negotiating partner.

Today we have the usual suspects from the democrat party blaming the nuclear test on (surprise) George Bush. Hillary clinton cited her husbands policies and said that if we had continued Bill Clintons policies we would have a partner in peace in Kim Jung il.

These democrats are either being deliberately dishonest or are really just that stupid. Either way…THESE are the people that want to run the country… people that practice a policy of appeasement.

Ask yourself…if the world had LEADERS throughout the 90’s would we be in this predicament? If the world didn’t pay billions in bribes to Kim Jung il would sent the message that we were actually SERIOUS in dealing with North Korea? If the world leaders had acted on ANY of the…oh…say…17 UN resolutions that Iraq violated would that have sent the message that they were serious in dealing with Iraq? Instead, most of the European governments eagerly jumped in bed offering bribes and receiving kickbacks via the oil for food program.

1 world leader has stood firm against the spread of terrorism in the world. 1 Stood firm against Saddam. I today stands firm against Irans nuclear expansion. And 1 stands firm against North Korea.

And of course…he is the one the liberals point to as the cause of all the worlds problems.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Solution to Illegal Immigration

In light of the fact that we have so many problems with illegal immigration, isnt there a real, positive, common sense solution to be had here?

This wont totally solve the problem we have with illegal immigration but it will solve the VAST majority of problems.

Ok…now I know this is a radical approach, but how about if we really define the problem. The ‘problem’ is not the influx of undocumented illegal immigrants in America. Heck, the economy seems to be absorbing 15-20 million illegals AND maintain unemployment at under 5% which by most economist standards really equals zero unemployment. So what IS the problem?

1-We reduce illegal immigrants to second class citizen status. This is just one step above slavery. Tell me…if a REPUBLICAN had made comments like those heard the recent rallies wouldn’t that republican be branded a racist?
“We need illegal immigrants. No AMERICAN would do jobs like that and accept such dismal wages”
1a-This creates an animosity and ager that is palpable. It creates an environemnt that discourages immersion into the culture, even for legal immigrants

2-Mexico lacks good paying jobs

3-Mexicos best and brightest, their future doctors, teachers, scientists, etc too often end up in the US working at the mall or gardening

4-Border patrols are costly

5-Many die making the journey (yet they still find it worth it)

6-Many pay large sums of money to coyotes only to be exploited, left for dead, or sold into slavery to pay off debts

How about a real solution. If we assume that border protection will cost BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars, how about this…

1-The US and a collection of investors (major industrial partners like auto manufacturers, computer manufacturers, etc) meet with the Mexican government. They put a transparent budget in place that is a 10 year program that builds schools, universities, hospitals, industrial plants, power plants, everything you can possibly need in a thriving economy.
2-We operate with the understanding that for 10 years there will not be a single penny in profit
3-We hire people to build and manufacture products. We pay them American wages. We hire teachers and school administrators and pay them on a level pay scale to American scale. Students are tested on aptitude and placed in advance programs. Parents are given financial incentives, tax incentives, employment incentives, to help ensure their kids stay in school.
4-We help Mexican business secure no to low interest loans and start building houses
5-The Mexican government signs contracts to ensure inflation caping economic models are in place, taxes are kept at a level comparable to the US economy, etc

I know this sounds just wacky and it would need a lot of fleshing out…but think about it. In 10 years there could be an economy to our south that rivals the US economy. We have a viable trading partner. Mexican citizens would have no incentive to leave Mexico.

And heres the thing…its NOT like we arent going to spend money every year for the next 10 years combating illegal immigration. The difference is that in 10 years we will actually have something to show for it.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Defining My Stand on Abortion

I had a discussion with an individual recently who challenged me after seeing my comments that I dont believe in banning abortion. I thought it might help to clarify.

Abortion is an emotional, kneejerk reaction type topic but with he exception of presidential election cycles and Supreme Court nominations, it isnt something that is ever REALLY taken seriously. It is a political football. It's used by lobbyists and politicians to secure ground, but at the end of the day...nothing much ever happens. It is used as a motivator to raise campaign funds, and then after the election is over, it is tucked away until it is needed next.

In order to find the answers to solving the abortion question I suggest we define the problem. From my perspective, abortion is not the 'problem,' rather it is the symptom of the problem. The problem is much more vast. The problem as I see it involves irresponsible decision making, wreckless exploitation of the tools of creation, marketing campaigns that sell sex and sexuality to children, media inspiration that encourages irresponsible sexual behavior with no focus on consequence. It involves a government that has willingly implanted itself as caretaker and providers. It not only allows for personal irresponsibility, it encourages it. Culturally, we have seen the destruction of the family, the emergence of sperm donors instead of fathers, and a system which allows for fathers to escape responsibility for their acts.

What is the real goal of banning abortion? Is it simply the passing of legislation to 'win'? Or is it to end senseless loss of life and to reduce pain and suffering? If it is a contest, no one wins. If our real goal is to save as much life as possible, then there are better solutions.

Ban abortion...what happens? Does anyone honestly believe that those that have means wont continue to recieve abortions? Of course they will. They will have private doctors perform the operations or will travel to foreign countries where it is legal. What of those that cant financially afford that solution? Does anyone doubt that back alley abortions will resume, that women will suffer and even die? And what of the children that are born simply because the abortion isnt legal? What will their lives be like?

If the true reason for battling abortion is love and charity, then I suggest there are better plans. The best plan I have seen has actualy been promoted by a most crazy and radical bunch...Democrats for Life. They have a proposal that calls for the reduction of abortions by 95% by the year 2010. Their plan calls for legislative changes but it also calls for community and individual involvment. Of course it will never makes too much sense.

I wonder...if all the billions of dollars that have been spent on campaigning and lobbying and protesting had been placed in a bank account with transparent accounting and that money was used to offer positive and powerful alternatives to abortion, how many lives would actually have been not just saved, but enriched? If the people protesting at the abortion clinics offered love and support to the women that were already going through a personal hell instead of calling them names like murderers, sluts and whores, how many of those women might have accepted a possible positive alternative? How many lives might have been saved by couples 'adopting' troubled pregnant young women and offering them support including emotional support, financial assistance, babysitting, many young mothers might accept the possibilities of adoption? How many would choose life?

Notice...I am not talking at all about government intervention. And its not like billions arent being spent both attacking and protecting legalized abortion. Private citizens acting in responsible and loving ways. What a concept.

Of course there are other components that have to be addressed. The knee-jerk christian response to brith control has got to stop. unwed sexual relationships is NOT the preferred lifestyle choice. So you may think schools handing out condoms on demand is sending a negative message. Fine...but dont you see that not ALL families are raising their children to believe the same as you? In fact not all children are being raised by families at all. It should be obvious that people will have sex with or without contraception. So set aside your moral judgements of others in the name of PREVENTING THE REQUIREMENT for the abortion decision.

Education is another component. I hear people say all the time that they dont want the schools teaching their children about sex and contraception. OK...I accept that. I did the same thing. But heres the thing...if people ARE teaching their children about ALL aspects of sex, abstinence, contraception, etc then hearfing the same message in schools wont be traumatic. For those not recieving the message in their homes, where else will they get it.

The 95% 2010 initiative teaches all manner of contraception . It teaches that abstinence is desirable and in fact the preferred and only 100% sure way to avoid secual disease and pregnancy. It does teach that in lieu of abstinence, use birth control methods. Again...what is our enforce our morality or to save lives?

And lets not forget the fathers. Once upon a time men were held accountable if they got a girl pregnant. That practice should be restored. THIS is the arena for court involvement. Garnish wages, force mandatory service, whatever it takes to make sure the men are as accountable as the women.

Until society has done all it can do, abortion can not be banned. It SHOULD not be banned. Abortion should not be seen as the goal. The goal is offering love hope and possibility. Even to those that still ultimately choose abortion. God will judge them. It is our place to love them. For THAT, God will judge US.