My Solution to Illegal Immigration
In light of the fact that we have so many problems with illegal immigration, isnt there a real, positive, common sense solution to be had here?
This wont totally solve the problem we have with illegal immigration but it will solve the VAST majority of problems.
Ok…now I know this is a radical approach, but how about if we really define the problem. The ‘problem’ is not the influx of undocumented illegal immigrants in America. Heck, the economy seems to be absorbing 15-20 million illegals AND maintain unemployment at under 5% which by most economist standards really equals zero unemployment. So what IS the problem?
1-We reduce illegal immigrants to second class citizen status. This is just one step above slavery. Tell me…if a REPUBLICAN had made comments like those heard the recent rallies wouldn’t that republican be branded a racist?
“We need illegal immigrants. No AMERICAN would do jobs like that and accept such dismal wages”
1a-This creates an animosity and ager that is palpable. It creates an environemnt that discourages immersion into the culture, even for legal immigrants
2-Mexico lacks good paying jobs
3-Mexicos best and brightest, their future doctors, teachers, scientists, etc too often end up in the US working at the mall or gardening
4-Border patrols are costly
5-Many die making the journey (yet they still find it worth it)
6-Many pay large sums of money to coyotes only to be exploited, left for dead, or sold into slavery to pay off debts
How about a real solution. If we assume that border protection will cost BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars, how about this…
1-The US and a collection of investors (major industrial partners like auto manufacturers, computer manufacturers, etc) meet with the Mexican government. They put a transparent budget in place that is a 10 year program that builds schools, universities, hospitals, industrial plants, power plants, everything you can possibly need in a thriving economy.
2-We operate with the understanding that for 10 years there will not be a single penny in profit
3-We hire people to build and manufacture products. We pay them American wages. We hire teachers and school administrators and pay them on a level pay scale to American scale. Students are tested on aptitude and placed in advance programs. Parents are given financial incentives, tax incentives, employment incentives, to help ensure their kids stay in school.
4-We help Mexican business secure no to low interest loans and start building houses
5-The Mexican government signs contracts to ensure inflation caping economic models are in place, taxes are kept at a level comparable to the US economy, etc
I know this sounds just wacky and it would need a lot of fleshing out…but think about it. In 10 years there could be an economy to our south that rivals the US economy. We have a viable trading partner. Mexican citizens would have no incentive to leave Mexico.
And heres the thing…its NOT like we arent going to spend money every year for the next 10 years combating illegal immigration. The difference is that in 10 years we will actually have something to show for it.
This wont totally solve the problem we have with illegal immigration but it will solve the VAST majority of problems.
Ok…now I know this is a radical approach, but how about if we really define the problem. The ‘problem’ is not the influx of undocumented illegal immigrants in America. Heck, the economy seems to be absorbing 15-20 million illegals AND maintain unemployment at under 5% which by most economist standards really equals zero unemployment. So what IS the problem?
1-We reduce illegal immigrants to second class citizen status. This is just one step above slavery. Tell me…if a REPUBLICAN had made comments like those heard the recent rallies wouldn’t that republican be branded a racist?
“We need illegal immigrants. No AMERICAN would do jobs like that and accept such dismal wages”
1a-This creates an animosity and ager that is palpable. It creates an environemnt that discourages immersion into the culture, even for legal immigrants
2-Mexico lacks good paying jobs
3-Mexicos best and brightest, their future doctors, teachers, scientists, etc too often end up in the US working at the mall or gardening
4-Border patrols are costly
5-Many die making the journey (yet they still find it worth it)
6-Many pay large sums of money to coyotes only to be exploited, left for dead, or sold into slavery to pay off debts
How about a real solution. If we assume that border protection will cost BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars, how about this…
1-The US and a collection of investors (major industrial partners like auto manufacturers, computer manufacturers, etc) meet with the Mexican government. They put a transparent budget in place that is a 10 year program that builds schools, universities, hospitals, industrial plants, power plants, everything you can possibly need in a thriving economy.
2-We operate with the understanding that for 10 years there will not be a single penny in profit
3-We hire people to build and manufacture products. We pay them American wages. We hire teachers and school administrators and pay them on a level pay scale to American scale. Students are tested on aptitude and placed in advance programs. Parents are given financial incentives, tax incentives, employment incentives, to help ensure their kids stay in school.
4-We help Mexican business secure no to low interest loans and start building houses
5-The Mexican government signs contracts to ensure inflation caping economic models are in place, taxes are kept at a level comparable to the US economy, etc
I know this sounds just wacky and it would need a lot of fleshing out…but think about it. In 10 years there could be an economy to our south that rivals the US economy. We have a viable trading partner. Mexican citizens would have no incentive to leave Mexico.
And heres the thing…its NOT like we arent going to spend money every year for the next 10 years combating illegal immigration. The difference is that in 10 years we will actually have something to show for it.
So, why don't we just annex Mexico? Do all the things you have suggested, but instead of trying to convince regular Americans that we are just trying to help our southern neighbors, convince them that we are trying to build up the infrastructure of our newest acquisition.
Or would that be seen as too imperialistic?
Annex how? By choice or by force? Yikes!
I dont think Mexican (brown pride and all) is too keen to become the 51st state (in a race against Puerto Rico). But I DO think we have a problem that has to be addressed. So...just makes sense...right?
51st state? Heck, there's enough land to make at least 5 new states!
I just don't know how much popular support is going to be available in this country for events which will not immediately benefit those who put forth the effort. I mean, couldn't we jsut convince Mexico that they are now part of the US?
We would have more luck convincing Mexico we are really just part of THEM.
No...I dont see Mexico joining the US. And I agree people dont have much patience with long term plans but I think thats because we do such a lousy job of explaining things. This would be very transparent.
Its not like we arent spending the money now. Its not like we cant look back and see the history of illegal immigration.
I remember back in 1978...I worked for a summer at the greenhouse in Clearfield. Most of the workers there were illegals. Everyother week or so on paydays immigration officials would roll up, round up the workers, and give them a free trip back home. They very seldom missed much work.
I bet if we calculated how much has been spent over the years it would more than pay for this.
I think the current solutions are just adding fuel to a very dangerous fire.
There has to be a better way. This may not be it...but something has to change.
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