Defining My Stand on Abortion
I had a discussion with an individual recently who challenged me after seeing my comments that I dont believe in banning abortion. I thought it might help to clarify.
Abortion is an emotional, kneejerk reaction type topic but with he exception of presidential election cycles and Supreme Court nominations, it isnt something that is ever REALLY taken seriously. It is a political football. It's used by lobbyists and politicians to secure ground, but at the end of the day...nothing much ever happens. It is used as a motivator to raise campaign funds, and then after the election is over, it is tucked away until it is needed next.
In order to find the answers to solving the abortion question I suggest we define the problem. From my perspective, abortion is not the 'problem,' rather it is the symptom of the problem. The problem is much more vast. The problem as I see it involves irresponsible decision making, wreckless exploitation of the tools of creation, marketing campaigns that sell sex and sexuality to children, media inspiration that encourages irresponsible sexual behavior with no focus on consequence. It involves a government that has willingly implanted itself as caretaker and providers. It not only allows for personal irresponsibility, it encourages it. Culturally, we have seen the destruction of the family, the emergence of sperm donors instead of fathers, and a system which allows for fathers to escape responsibility for their acts.
What is the real goal of banning abortion? Is it simply the passing of legislation to 'win'? Or is it to end senseless loss of life and to reduce pain and suffering? If it is a contest, no one wins. If our real goal is to save as much life as possible, then there are better solutions.
Ban abortion...what happens? Does anyone honestly believe that those that have means wont continue to recieve abortions? Of course they will. They will have private doctors perform the operations or will travel to foreign countries where it is legal. What of those that cant financially afford that solution? Does anyone doubt that back alley abortions will resume, that women will suffer and even die? And what of the children that are born simply because the abortion isnt legal? What will their lives be like?
If the true reason for battling abortion is love and charity, then I suggest there are better plans. The best plan I have seen has actualy been promoted by a most crazy and radical bunch...Democrats for Life. They have a proposal that calls for the reduction of abortions by 95% by the year 2010. Their plan calls for legislative changes but it also calls for community and individual involvment. Of course it will never makes too much sense.
I wonder...if all the billions of dollars that have been spent on campaigning and lobbying and protesting had been placed in a bank account with transparent accounting and that money was used to offer positive and powerful alternatives to abortion, how many lives would actually have been not just saved, but enriched? If the people protesting at the abortion clinics offered love and support to the women that were already going through a personal hell instead of calling them names like murderers, sluts and whores, how many of those women might have accepted a possible positive alternative? How many lives might have been saved by couples 'adopting' troubled pregnant young women and offering them support including emotional support, financial assistance, babysitting, many young mothers might accept the possibilities of adoption? How many would choose life?
Notice...I am not talking at all about government intervention. And its not like billions arent being spent both attacking and protecting legalized abortion. Private citizens acting in responsible and loving ways. What a concept.
Of course there are other components that have to be addressed. The knee-jerk christian response to brith control has got to stop. unwed sexual relationships is NOT the preferred lifestyle choice. So you may think schools handing out condoms on demand is sending a negative message. Fine...but dont you see that not ALL families are raising their children to believe the same as you? In fact not all children are being raised by families at all. It should be obvious that people will have sex with or without contraception. So set aside your moral judgements of others in the name of PREVENTING THE REQUIREMENT for the abortion decision.
Education is another component. I hear people say all the time that they dont want the schools teaching their children about sex and contraception. OK...I accept that. I did the same thing. But heres the thing...if people ARE teaching their children about ALL aspects of sex, abstinence, contraception, etc then hearfing the same message in schools wont be traumatic. For those not recieving the message in their homes, where else will they get it.
The 95% 2010 initiative teaches all manner of contraception . It teaches that abstinence is desirable and in fact the preferred and only 100% sure way to avoid secual disease and pregnancy. It does teach that in lieu of abstinence, use birth control methods. Again...what is our enforce our morality or to save lives?
And lets not forget the fathers. Once upon a time men were held accountable if they got a girl pregnant. That practice should be restored. THIS is the arena for court involvement. Garnish wages, force mandatory service, whatever it takes to make sure the men are as accountable as the women.
Until society has done all it can do, abortion can not be banned. It SHOULD not be banned. Abortion should not be seen as the goal. The goal is offering love hope and possibility. Even to those that still ultimately choose abortion. God will judge them. It is our place to love them. For THAT, God will judge US.
Abortion is an emotional, kneejerk reaction type topic but with he exception of presidential election cycles and Supreme Court nominations, it isnt something that is ever REALLY taken seriously. It is a political football. It's used by lobbyists and politicians to secure ground, but at the end of the day...nothing much ever happens. It is used as a motivator to raise campaign funds, and then after the election is over, it is tucked away until it is needed next.
In order to find the answers to solving the abortion question I suggest we define the problem. From my perspective, abortion is not the 'problem,' rather it is the symptom of the problem. The problem is much more vast. The problem as I see it involves irresponsible decision making, wreckless exploitation of the tools of creation, marketing campaigns that sell sex and sexuality to children, media inspiration that encourages irresponsible sexual behavior with no focus on consequence. It involves a government that has willingly implanted itself as caretaker and providers. It not only allows for personal irresponsibility, it encourages it. Culturally, we have seen the destruction of the family, the emergence of sperm donors instead of fathers, and a system which allows for fathers to escape responsibility for their acts.
What is the real goal of banning abortion? Is it simply the passing of legislation to 'win'? Or is it to end senseless loss of life and to reduce pain and suffering? If it is a contest, no one wins. If our real goal is to save as much life as possible, then there are better solutions.
Ban abortion...what happens? Does anyone honestly believe that those that have means wont continue to recieve abortions? Of course they will. They will have private doctors perform the operations or will travel to foreign countries where it is legal. What of those that cant financially afford that solution? Does anyone doubt that back alley abortions will resume, that women will suffer and even die? And what of the children that are born simply because the abortion isnt legal? What will their lives be like?
If the true reason for battling abortion is love and charity, then I suggest there are better plans. The best plan I have seen has actualy been promoted by a most crazy and radical bunch...Democrats for Life. They have a proposal that calls for the reduction of abortions by 95% by the year 2010. Their plan calls for legislative changes but it also calls for community and individual involvment. Of course it will never makes too much sense.
I wonder...if all the billions of dollars that have been spent on campaigning and lobbying and protesting had been placed in a bank account with transparent accounting and that money was used to offer positive and powerful alternatives to abortion, how many lives would actually have been not just saved, but enriched? If the people protesting at the abortion clinics offered love and support to the women that were already going through a personal hell instead of calling them names like murderers, sluts and whores, how many of those women might have accepted a possible positive alternative? How many lives might have been saved by couples 'adopting' troubled pregnant young women and offering them support including emotional support, financial assistance, babysitting, many young mothers might accept the possibilities of adoption? How many would choose life?
Notice...I am not talking at all about government intervention. And its not like billions arent being spent both attacking and protecting legalized abortion. Private citizens acting in responsible and loving ways. What a concept.
Of course there are other components that have to be addressed. The knee-jerk christian response to brith control has got to stop. unwed sexual relationships is NOT the preferred lifestyle choice. So you may think schools handing out condoms on demand is sending a negative message. Fine...but dont you see that not ALL families are raising their children to believe the same as you? In fact not all children are being raised by families at all. It should be obvious that people will have sex with or without contraception. So set aside your moral judgements of others in the name of PREVENTING THE REQUIREMENT for the abortion decision.
Education is another component. I hear people say all the time that they dont want the schools teaching their children about sex and contraception. OK...I accept that. I did the same thing. But heres the thing...if people ARE teaching their children about ALL aspects of sex, abstinence, contraception, etc then hearfing the same message in schools wont be traumatic. For those not recieving the message in their homes, where else will they get it.
The 95% 2010 initiative teaches all manner of contraception . It teaches that abstinence is desirable and in fact the preferred and only 100% sure way to avoid secual disease and pregnancy. It does teach that in lieu of abstinence, use birth control methods. Again...what is our enforce our morality or to save lives?
And lets not forget the fathers. Once upon a time men were held accountable if they got a girl pregnant. That practice should be restored. THIS is the arena for court involvement. Garnish wages, force mandatory service, whatever it takes to make sure the men are as accountable as the women.
Until society has done all it can do, abortion can not be banned. It SHOULD not be banned. Abortion should not be seen as the goal. The goal is offering love hope and possibility. Even to those that still ultimately choose abortion. God will judge them. It is our place to love them. For THAT, God will judge US.
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