Thursday, November 16, 2006

Post Election

Phew...its over.

The elections are settled. I am happy to report that every candidate and issue that I had the opportunity to vote for won. The national election could have had a better outcome from my perspective, but since I have no control over other states (or other peoples voices) then it makes no sense to be upset about things.

I have some positive things about the elections.

1-I am glad my liberal friends wont spend the next two years in pained, hate-filled agony. We can call off the suicide watch.
2-I am happy that republican candidates didnt make asses of themselves and public spectacles of the election process simply because they didnt get their way.
3-I am glad the democrats have the stage. We know get to see their plans for solutions. Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....not.
4-I am VERY proud and happy to live in a country that doesnt threaten terrorist activity because their side doesnt get what they want.

I am also hopeful. I am hopeful we can put aside the politics and rhetoric and actually see some progress. I am hopeful that we wake up to the threat of extremist terrorism threats.

Its a good day. We still live free, captialism is still the only successful form of economic structure, democracy and free agency is still the greatest blessing on the planet. The sun came out today and i have high hopes that it will tomorrow as well.

Life is good!


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