History Repeats Itself Yet Again.
This weekend’s events are the reason I started writing in this blog. North Korea conducted (or at least SAYS they conducted) a nuclear weapons test. Whether or not they were actually successful is still (at this point) is both unknown and immaterial. North Korea is doing EXACTLY what they did in the 90s. They are pulling strings and expecting the puppets to dance.
Throughout the 1990’s Kim Jung Il made numerous threats regarding development of nuclear weapons and world leaders responded EXACTLY like he expected they would. They bribed him. They paid him off in oil and money. They offered technology. And when the money and oil ran out and he wanted MORE he did the EXACT same thing and again the world’s leaders responded EXACTLY as he knew they would. They danced like good puppets.
But (not suprisingly) we found out later that in fact Kim had NOT used the money to feed the poor (which is seen by the literally hundreds of thousands that have died of starvation in North Korea). He did NOT stop weapons research and exploration. He did NOT live by his end of the agreement. He lied.
Around the year 2000 Japan, South Korea, and China all engaged in what was euphamistically described as Sunshine Politics with North Korea. They offered economic support and diplomacy, hoping that Kim would keep his word and be willing to negotiate with them. In reality, all they did is show weakness…weakness which Kim exploited. And now this. Now Kim has allegedly tested a nuclear weapon. South Korea announced an immediate cessation to their dimplomatic relationship with Kim and suspended all of their support. They announced that their policy of Sunshine Diplomacy was a failure. Shocking.
See…here’s what these people continue to REFUSE to see. Diplomacy ONLY works when you have an equal partner in the diplomatic relationship. Witness Saddams Iraq, Iran, Hitlers Germany, and North Korea.
The sunshine diplomacy theory holds that if you just LOVE someone enough they will stop being evil, murderous, despotic, thugs and will become in turn loving and benevolent leaders. Good theory…but it fails in its practical application.
People point to peace as the only solution. They say war never solved anything. Right…except earning freedom, freeing a nation of slavery, ending the execution of millions and stopping the spread of Naziism, war never really accomplished anything.
Many people cite Ghandi as their model for peace. OK…but really? Consider this quote from a letter to Churchill by Ghandi. “I want you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these, but neither your souls nor your minds. If these gentlemen choose to occupy your homes, you will vacate them. If they do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child to be slaughtered, but you will refuse to owe allegiance to them.”
And this would have had what effect exactly on Hitler? Zero. He would have taken the blood of every Englishman as easily as he did the 6 million jews and not thought a thing of it. He wouldn’t have suffered an attack of conscious. And we would all be brushing up on our German.
Back to the present.
George Bush did not tremble and quake when Kim Jung il rattled his nuclear sabre. He didn’t offer to buy his silence. He learned early that Kim was not a man of honor and therefore NOT an equal negotiating partner.
Today we have the usual suspects from the democrat party blaming the nuclear test on (surprise) George Bush. Hillary clinton cited her husbands policies and said that if we had continued Bill Clintons policies we would have a partner in peace in Kim Jung il.
These democrats are either being deliberately dishonest or are really just that stupid. Either way…THESE are the people that want to run the country… people that practice a policy of appeasement.
Ask yourself…if the world had LEADERS throughout the 90’s would we be in this predicament? If the world didn’t pay billions in bribes to Kim Jung il would sent the message that we were actually SERIOUS in dealing with North Korea? If the world leaders had acted on ANY of the…oh…say…17 UN resolutions that Iraq violated would that have sent the message that they were serious in dealing with Iraq? Instead, most of the European governments eagerly jumped in bed offering bribes and receiving kickbacks via the oil for food program.
1 world leader has stood firm against the spread of terrorism in the world. 1 Stood firm against Saddam. I today stands firm against Irans nuclear expansion. And 1 stands firm against North Korea.
And of course…he is the one the liberals point to as the cause of all the worlds problems.
Throughout the 1990’s Kim Jung Il made numerous threats regarding development of nuclear weapons and world leaders responded EXACTLY like he expected they would. They bribed him. They paid him off in oil and money. They offered technology. And when the money and oil ran out and he wanted MORE he did the EXACT same thing and again the world’s leaders responded EXACTLY as he knew they would. They danced like good puppets.
But (not suprisingly) we found out later that in fact Kim had NOT used the money to feed the poor (which is seen by the literally hundreds of thousands that have died of starvation in North Korea). He did NOT stop weapons research and exploration. He did NOT live by his end of the agreement. He lied.
Around the year 2000 Japan, South Korea, and China all engaged in what was euphamistically described as Sunshine Politics with North Korea. They offered economic support and diplomacy, hoping that Kim would keep his word and be willing to negotiate with them. In reality, all they did is show weakness…weakness which Kim exploited. And now this. Now Kim has allegedly tested a nuclear weapon. South Korea announced an immediate cessation to their dimplomatic relationship with Kim and suspended all of their support. They announced that their policy of Sunshine Diplomacy was a failure. Shocking.
See…here’s what these people continue to REFUSE to see. Diplomacy ONLY works when you have an equal partner in the diplomatic relationship. Witness Saddams Iraq, Iran, Hitlers Germany, and North Korea.
The sunshine diplomacy theory holds that if you just LOVE someone enough they will stop being evil, murderous, despotic, thugs and will become in turn loving and benevolent leaders. Good theory…but it fails in its practical application.
People point to peace as the only solution. They say war never solved anything. Right…except earning freedom, freeing a nation of slavery, ending the execution of millions and stopping the spread of Naziism, war never really accomplished anything.
Many people cite Ghandi as their model for peace. OK…but really? Consider this quote from a letter to Churchill by Ghandi. “I want you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these, but neither your souls nor your minds. If these gentlemen choose to occupy your homes, you will vacate them. If they do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child to be slaughtered, but you will refuse to owe allegiance to them.”
And this would have had what effect exactly on Hitler? Zero. He would have taken the blood of every Englishman as easily as he did the 6 million jews and not thought a thing of it. He wouldn’t have suffered an attack of conscious. And we would all be brushing up on our German.
Back to the present.
George Bush did not tremble and quake when Kim Jung il rattled his nuclear sabre. He didn’t offer to buy his silence. He learned early that Kim was not a man of honor and therefore NOT an equal negotiating partner.
Today we have the usual suspects from the democrat party blaming the nuclear test on (surprise) George Bush. Hillary clinton cited her husbands policies and said that if we had continued Bill Clintons policies we would have a partner in peace in Kim Jung il.
These democrats are either being deliberately dishonest or are really just that stupid. Either way…THESE are the people that want to run the country… people that practice a policy of appeasement.
Ask yourself…if the world had LEADERS throughout the 90’s would we be in this predicament? If the world didn’t pay billions in bribes to Kim Jung il would sent the message that we were actually SERIOUS in dealing with North Korea? If the world leaders had acted on ANY of the…oh…say…17 UN resolutions that Iraq violated would that have sent the message that they were serious in dealing with Iraq? Instead, most of the European governments eagerly jumped in bed offering bribes and receiving kickbacks via the oil for food program.
1 world leader has stood firm against the spread of terrorism in the world. 1 Stood firm against Saddam. I today stands firm against Irans nuclear expansion. And 1 stands firm against North Korea.
And of course…he is the one the liberals point to as the cause of all the worlds problems.
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