Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tide of Anger

With the election coming up in just two weeks you are sure to hear a lot about the anger against Washington, and the backlash against the republicans. It is being touted on every news broadcast (except Fox) and in virtually every print and internet media outlet.

Ever wonder where the backlash is coming from?

Me...I think it is a wag the dog scenario.

Seriously...just what is it that everyone is supposed to be angry about?

Is it the Iraq war? OK. I disagree with how dire things are. I also disagree on our mission direction. I disagree with the role of the military currently in Iraq. Still it is 1 issue.

In Utah the democrats are using a sign for their campaign. Its short...its simple. "Had Enough? Vote Democrat"

Fair question.

Had enough economic growth? Vote democrat.
Had enough stock market growth? Vote democrat.
Had enough inflation controls? Vote democrat.
Had enough lower taxes? Vote democrat.
Had enough retirement income increases? Vote democrat.
Had enough increases in school funding? Vote democrat.
Had enough improvement in minority employment and business growth? Vote democrat.
Had enough increase in funding of the fight against AIDS in Africa? Vote democrat.
Had enough of a real effort combating terrorists? Vote democrat.
Had enough of a president that doesnt have sexual relations with every woman in Washington DC EXCEPT his wife? Vote democrat.
had enough of a leader that doesnt take his political direction based on polling? Vote democrat.

Just who is it exactly that is ginning up the anger against republicans? I vote 'democrats.'


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