Monday, October 16, 2006

Election Year Polls

Have I mentioned how funny I think polls are? The old saw holds true...polls dont lie, pollsters do.

With the election looming we have already seen many fabricated polls designed to award the election to the left and I have no doubt we will see many more polls, news articles and media stories with the same intent.

Take this recent article by an AP writer for example...

"59 percent of voters believe Democrats would do a better job handling the economy, while 39 percent prefer Republicans." that with this next statement-

"Over the past year, Americans have become less likely to see the economy as the most pressing problem in the United States. Just 9 percent viewed economic matters as the top problem, the AP-Ipsos poll says. That's down considerably from a year ago when 24 percent said the economy was the biggest problem as the country was still reeling from the blows of the Gulf Coast hurricanes."

In just a year only 9% see the economy as the 'top' problem. Thats PROBABLY an indicator that things are going good...right?

"the (economic) expansion, which began in late 2001, is still firmly rooted and isn't in danger of fizzling out."

The expansion of the economy has been steady and growing since 2001...thats less than a year after Bush took over the White House. We have had more sustained growth during this period than at any other time in history. We have recovered from the dotcom boom/bust of the Clinton years. We have sustained 9-11, economic support to Indonesia following the tsunami, billions in aid to Africa, the devastation of Katrina, and an illegal immigration problem that has the US economy supporting 12-20 million jobs with income going to support the economy of Mexico.

And they believe the dems would do it better?

Unemployment sits at 4.6%...a figure every respectable economist calls 0 rate unemployment. Lower than any time during the Clinton administration.

The economy in the first three months of this year grew at a 5.6 percent pace, the strongest spurt in 2 1/2 years.

Consumer prices, meanwhile, rose by just 0.2 percent in August — half the rate of July, suggesting that inflation is calming down.

The federal budget deficit dropped to $247.7 billion for the 2006 fiscal year which ended Sept. 30. It marked the smallest amount of red ink in four years. (in spite of all the extra curricular financial requirments)

"The Dow is up, but people's retirements are less secure than ever. This economy is making the super rich richer, and leaving middle-class American families further behind," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. Hogwash. There are more wealthy middle income wage earners than ever before, opportunity for economic gain is higher today than ever, individual retirement accounts continue to grow stronger each quarter. Those are the facts. Pelosi's words are mere rhetoric.

Dont worry though...we'll continue to hear the sky is falling right up til election night. And sadly...lots of people are going to buy it.

Can you say...higher taxes, increased inflation, and increased unemployment?


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